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Q: How can circuit training be made more demanding?
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There are many applications of this acceptor circuit. You can learn more about them with some electrical training programs.

Does circuit training burn off fat?

yes it does the more you do the more weight you burn off...

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You will get different answers for sure but to me the Basketball is more phsically demanding.

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Unsettled or demanding more.

Where can I learn more about weight training for women?

You can try checking places such as Curves or Jenny Craig for more information on where you can learn more about weight training for women as they are gyms made mostly for women

What is the difference between 'demanding' and 'commanding'?

Try looking at the links "Demanding: Definition and Much More from" and "Commanding: Definition and Much More from" for their definitions. That will show you the difference.

Why were the improvements of the basketball made over the years?

In response to the consumer demanding a product that was more durable with a better grip and with a uniformly round shape that could be retained.

What principle states that your bodies will physiologically adapt according to whether you are training aerobically or anaerobically?

According to the SAID training principle, the body adapts in a specific way to each demanding circumstance. Under anaerobic conditions, there is heightened production of red blood cells to convey more oxygen in the circulatory system.

What is a circuit with two or more branches for current to flow called?

Parallel circuit

What circuit is a circuit in which electrical current has more than one path to follow?

A circuit that has more than one path for the current to flow is a parallel circuit. The circuit must have two or more paths to be considered parallel. A circuit that has only one current path through multiple components is a series circuit.

What requires more fitness boxing or football?

Football requires more fitness, although boxing is a physically demanding, Australian rules football is more physically demanding. - Professor John Denal, Harvard University

How will you improve your muscular endurance?

Circuit training doesn't give the muscles time to relax in between each station. Thus putting more stress on the muscles and making allowing them to have better endurance. ^douche. between each station there's short intervals as resting period are important during circuit training. boom.