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when u hav a girlfriend and u masturbate 2 porn

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Conflicting loyalties divides your attention. It makes you unable to be honest most times.

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Q: How can conflicting loyalties drive attitudes and actions?
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Dramatic actions are significant events or decisions within a play or performance that create tension, reveal character motives, and drive the plot forward. These actions often involve conflict and impact the trajectory of the story or the relationships between characters.

What the character does?

The character's actions, behaviors, and decisions that drive the plot forward and reveal their personality and motivations.

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The narrator in a movie can provide insight into characters' thoughts and motivations, enhancing the viewer's understanding of the story and theme. Actions by characters drive the plot forward and reveal their personalities, leading to the development of themes such as love, redemption, or sacrifice. Together, the narrator and actions work to create a cohesive narrative that deepens the audience's engagement with the film.

What motivates the other characters actions?

Various motivations drive characters' actions, such as power, revenge, love, fear, ambition, and loyalty. These motivations are often intertwined and can vary depending on the character's background, goals, and personal beliefs. Understanding these motivations can add depth to the characters and drive the plot forward.