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Q: How can crossing over lead to non-disjunction?
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What is the significance of crossing over and nondisjunction?

The significance of crossing over and nondisjunction is that it increases biodiversity. This is important for the environment and food chains.

How does crossing over and nondisjunction contribute to variation and increase genetic diversity in a population?

Crossing over is when two homologous chromosomes switch genes. This causes them to become different. Nondisjunction is when there is an incorrect splitting of a chromosome. These two types of variation result in a different set of genes each time an egg and a sperm collide by chance,

Many chromosome mutations result when chromosomes fail to separate properly during what?

Meiosis, specifically during anaphase I and anaphase II. This is known as nondisjunction and it causes aneuploidy, such as trisomy 21

How does meiosis lead to variety?

crossing over

Nondisjunction can alter the number of chromosome as well as autosomes?

Nondisjunction is a very bad thing and cells and can lead to lying of the cell.

The faillure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis is called?

Its called disconjunction. Sometimes it is so bad that they have a miscarriage or the following happens:Trisomy (extra chromosomeso have 47 chromosomes instead of 46)Down's syndrome (andextra number 21 chromosome)Klinefelter's syndrome (males with an extra X chromosome...XXY)

How does crossing over affect the genetic diversity of a species?

in crossing over the gens present on chromosomes forms linkage so the character are exchange & thus it lead to recombination of genes that affect genetic diversity

What is it called when chromosomes don't separate correctly during meiosis?


What is it called when genes swap during meiosis?

This is the process of crossing over that happens in prophase I.

What is the process in which DNA changes to form new alleles?


New genetic combinations result from?

crossing over. sexual reproduction. mutations.

What is it called when one chromosome breaks off and is added to a different chromosome?

translocation i'm doing the same worksheet for my finals study guide, and in my book it discussed this.