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my girl friend died there oh well there is plenty more in the sea

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Q: How can floods caused by tsunami be prevented in japan?
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What were the causes of the floods in Japan?

Yes, floods occur as a result of heavy rain storms, typhoons, and tsunamis. Areas are also prone to bouts of flash floods during heavy rain, and it is also common for rivers to overflow into the surrounding areas.

What are the after effects of the tsunami in Japan?

a lot of damage and floods

Are all the tsunamis over the coasts caused by the tsunami by japan?

yesNo, the Tsunami's were caused by the earthquake in Japan.

What was the magnitude of the earthquake that caused the tsunami in japan on march 2012?

The Tsunami in Japan in 2011 was caused by an earthquake gesitering a magnitude 9.0.

Why didn't Japan prevent the tsunami?

A tsunami can't be prevented any more that a sunrise can be prevented. It is a force of nature that man, at least as of yet, has absolutely no control over.

Why did tsunami hit Japan?

The tsunami hit because of the earthquake shifted the ground and caused the tsunami.

When did Japan earthquake happen before or after the tsunami?

The Earthquake occurred before the tsunami as it is what caused the tsunami.

What caused the 2011 japan tsunami?

An earthquake off the coast caused it.

What caused 2011 japan tsunami?

An earthquake off the coast caused it.

Why did the tsunami start in Japan?

The tsunami started in Japan because tectonic plates in the ocean caused an earthquake by rubbing. That started the tsunami wave. -IQ

What year was the last tsunami?

2011 In Japan 8.9 earth quake caused the tsunami

Why was Thailand tsunami worse than japan tsunami?

it was bigger and caused more damage