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put it in your pants and rotate

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Q: How can hydrogen be used as a fuel source?
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Is Hydrogen a renewable or nonrenewable energy source?

Hydrogen is a nonrenewable source of energy when used for nuclear fusion (which is still not a technologically attainable power generation mechanism). When used as an energy carrier for oxidation (e.g. fuel cell, and internal combustion engine) hydrogen is not an energy source. In such applications, hydrogen is a man-made resource.

What is a star's main source of fuel?


What is good about hydrogen as a fuel?

cleanest energy source.

What is the fuel that is?

Hydrogen is the main source and Helium second.

What is the main source of the sun?

If source you mean, fuel...then the answer is Hydrogen gas. The sun fuses to hydrogen atoms to create helium.

How is hydrogen converted to energy?

Hydrogen can be used as fuel (the same way as natural gas) for vehicles (cars, buses, ...etc) either in gaseous, liquid, or solid form (as metalhydride).Hydrogen can be used for electricity generation using hydrogen fuel cells.Hydrogen can be used (as natural gas) as heat source for kocking or heating purposes or industrial applications.

When a star runs out if hydrogen what does it use as fuel source?


Fuel-cell automobiles use gas as a fuel?

No, fuel-cell automobiles do not use gas as a fuel. They use hydrogen gas as a fuel source, which is converted into electricity to power the vehicle.

Why liquid hydrogen cannot be used as a fuel?

Liquid hydrogen IS used as a fuel. It's used in rockets - and some cars.

What are some usages for hydrogen?

Hydrogen can be used as fuel.

Fuel cells rely primarily on what element for their energy source?
