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Q: How can i explain why the daughter cells resulting from mitosis are genetically identical to each other?
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Explain how mitosis leads to two daughter cells each of which is diploid and genetically identical to the original cell?

o A parent cell will copy of all its internal components, divide them equally, and then split in half to form 2 daughter cells o The daughter cells formed are identical to each other

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meiosis copies nd the other one does not

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Genetically identical offspring are produced by asexual reproduction, also known as cloning. In asexual reproduction, the parent organism simply replicates its own genetics. This is in contrast to sexual reproduction in which two parent organisms combine their genetics.

What would happen if cytokinesis occurred without mitosis explain?

The chromosomes would not have replicated, so the resulting daughter cells will not have the correct ploidy.

How do you explain how mitosis makes it possible for a cell to divide into two genetically identical cells?

Ok so if you were asking this question well i would say the cells divide into equally developed cells. ok thanks for your time :) signed, Elisabeth

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Ask a biologist.

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Well it is the first daughter

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Aluminium is a chemical element because all atoms are identical.

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their but

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