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Ok so if you were asking this question well i would say the cells divide into equally developed cells.

ok thanks for your time :)



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Q: How do you explain how mitosis makes it possible for a cell to divide into two genetically identical cells?
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Related questions

What Products of mitosis are?

The products of mitosis are two genetically identical nuclei

What process produces daughter cells that are genetically identical to there parent cells?

This process is called cell division or mitosis.

Is identical diploid daughter cells mitosis?

mitosis ends with 2 identical daughter cells and meiosis ends with 4 non-identical sister chromatids.

What does Daughter cells produced when cells undergo mitosis are genetically?

2 daughter cells with the same genotype. (However, mitotic crossing over is not unheard of, in which case the 2 cells will not be genetically identical. )

Are the cells in mitosis genetically identical?

yes mitosis id the division of gamete cells

What does the process mitosis create?

Mitosis produces two genetically identical daughter nuclei.

When a cell splits into two genetically identical daughter cells?

cell division: the process of interphase and mitosis makes one cell into two new ones with identical DNA interphase prepares the cell for mitosis mitosis includes prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and cytokinesis

Which best describes the daughter cells produced by mitosis?

The daughter cells produced by mitosis and cytokinesis are genetically identical.

What process occurs to form cells that are genetically identical to the parent?


How do cells reproduce mitosis?

During mitosis, the replicated chromosomes are divided into two genetically identical daughter nuclei, and then the cytoplasm divides during cytokinesis, forming two genetically identical daughter cells.

How many cells do you produce at the end of mitosis?

Mitosis produces two genetically identical daughter cells.

How do cells reproduce during mitosis?

During mitosis, the replicated chromosomes are divided into two genetically identical daughter nuclei, and then the cytoplasm divides during cytokinesis, forming two genetically identical daughter cells.