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I don't know the age of your son. But forcing anyone to worship 'your religion' against their will, is likely to force them to turn further away. Young children are easier to cope with, they usually do as they are told, but older children and young adults are more likely to rebel and want to reject your views on religion and life in general. The more force you try to apply, the greater will be the resentment and alienation between you and your son. As I am an atheist, I allowed my son to make up his own mind, though he did go to our local 'Church of England' school, and we are still close as a father and an adult son - and in the end, that is all that matters.

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You just have to be patient and don't push. Let him know your disappointed in a nice way.

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Q: How can i help my son go to church who is refusing to attend mass?
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