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One can improve the condition of soil by

1. Using fertilisers, pesticides and insecticides

2. Planting more trees

3. If there is deforestation, one should plant teen more trees

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Q: How can improve the condition of soil?
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How urine helps to improve soil condition?

Urine contains nitrogen which can improve soil for future crops

How can soil quality be improved?

We can improve the soil quality by using Bio Chemical Products like Bio Growth and Bio Compost. Both are the best products to improve the texture, condition and fertility of the soil.

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Manure is spread across limestone soils to improve the physical condition of the soil. Soil provides food and water for plants to grow. If the soil is in poor condition the plants will not develop properly.

What do farmers use to make the soil more productive?

This depends on the basic soil condition and what type of plants you wish to grow. It the soil is in poor condition then humus,compost or other conditioners would improve the soil structure. Once the soil structure is sorted out apply fertilizer to the manufacturers instructions.

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Burrowing mammals improve soil by aerating, or mixing air into, the soil.

What makes a good soil additive?

It depends what you are adding it for. If you want to improve the condition of light sandy soil add humus rich material such as compost or peat to help retain moisture .If the soil is clay or heavy add rough sand or gravel to improve drainage. In both cases fork the material in.

How do soil organisms improve the soil?

Organisms and insects help to keep soil healthy. They help break down harmful elements and excrete substances to improve the soil.

How urine can be used to improve soil condition?

Most types of urine contain nitrates and phosphates and can be use to feed plants and improve soil in a dilute form as the concentration of the urine is so high in the afor mentioned chemicals that it can be deadly to plants. But be careful as urine is acidic and may kill alkaline loving plants in the soil were the urine is used.

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The soil in soil

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Plants (crops) planted to improve the quality of soil.

How does fungi improve soil quality?

They help prevent soil erosion

How can you improve nitrogen in the soil?

fertilize it