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Q: How can inequality or discrimination hurt a economys ability to maximize its human capital?
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What forms of inequality and discrimination did women face in the professional world?

There are many forms of inequality and discrimination that women face in the professional world. One of these inequalities is the ability to play professional football.

What is spatial discrimination?

Spatial discrimination Is the ability to identify the specific region of the body being stimulated.

The ability to respond to similar but distinct stimuli?

Stimulus Discrimination?

What is sound discrimination?

Auditory discrimination is the ability to detect similarities and differences when listening to sounds.

What is the term for the ability to respond differently to various types of stimuli?


What is fair minded?

Fair-mindedness is the ability to make judgments from discrimination or dishonesty.

What ability of sensory perception does the two point discrimination test test for?

The two point discrimination test measures the ability to discern two distinct points touching the skin. It assesses the density of touch receptors in a specific area, commonly used to evaluate sensory nerve function.

What is intellectual fair minded?

Fair-mindedness is the ability to make judgments from discrimination or dishonesty.

What piece of legislation guaranteed people legal protection from discrimination based on their race age gender or physical ability?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 guarantees legal protection from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Additional legislation such as the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Equal Pay Act of 1963 further protect individuals from discrimination based on age, physical ability, and gender.

What discrimination test the patients ability of sensory perception?

Discriminative sensory testing can evaluate a patient's ability to distinguish between different sensory stimuli, such as temperature, vibration, or pressure. This type of testing helps assess nerve function and sensory perception in conditions like neuropathy or nerve damage. Examples of discriminative sensory tests include two-point discrimination, vibration testing, and temperature discrimination tests.

What is discrimination in psychology?

Discrimination in psychology refers to the unjust treatment or unequal behavior towards individuals or groups based on certain characteristics such as race, gender, age, or ability. This can lead to negative consequences for the target of discrimination, including psychological harm and distress. Psychologists study discrimination to better understand its causes and effects, and to develop interventions to address and reduce its impact.

What Is the learned ability to differentiate between similar objects such as packages of different brands of aspirin?

Stimulus discrimination