

How can insects sit on water without sinking?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: How can insects sit on water without sinking?
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It has a lower density,because there is no salt in it.

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between 6-23 seconds

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The water displaced created a force of buoyancy sufficient to keep the boat from sinking. This is the same idea with steel ships. If you take a ball of steel and put it in the water, the steel sinks, but large battleships made entirely of steel float. Why? When as ship presses into the water, it pushes against the water on all points under the water's surface. The water pushes back, more weakly than the boat (otherwise the boat would sit on the water the way a car "sits" on land), but enough to keep the boat from completely sinking.

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They sit my the Fireplace sippin Hot coco :P

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No. This is something a woodpecker would do. They fly over awns or sit in lawns and catch small insects. They also eat berries and seeds.

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6 years old.

How do you sit in Minecraft?

Without mods, you can't.