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Q: How can morphogenesis be affected by control of gene expression?
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Benefits of medical treatments that control gene expression?

I would guess that if a gene is not functioning normally then controlling the expression of that gene would be beneficial.

What is it called when sections of chromosomes control genes?

regulation of gene expression

What is the gene expression?

Gene expression is the process by which inheritable information from a gene, such as the DNA sequence, is made into a functional gene product, such as protein or RNA.

What does the operon model attempt explain?

the coordinated control of gene expression in bacteria

Can eukaryotic Cells control gene expression by using transcription factors?


What is the common control point of gene expression for all organisms?

cell membrane

Which method is utilized by eukaryotes to control their gene expression that is not used in bacteria?

control of both RNA splicing and chromatin remodeling

What is The expression of a gene is called?

The expression of a gene is called the phenotype.

How prokaryotes control gene expression?

The operon often controls the transcription of prokaryote genes.

Why is control of genes expression necessary?

Regulation of gene expression is necessary because organisms need to be able to adapt to their environments and perform different functions.

How do cells control gene expression?

The promoter allows the gene to be transcribed. It helps RNA polymerase find where a gene starts. An operator is a DNA segment that turns the gene "on" or "off." It interacts with proteins that increase the rate of transcription or block transcription from occurring.