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can have a striking effect on patients with Alzheimer's disease, even sometimes allowing them to focus and become responsive for a time. Music has also been observed to decrease the agitation that is so common with this disease

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Music is an excellent outlet to provide enjoyment, relaxation, relief from pain, and an opportunity to socialize and reminisce about music that has had special importance to the individual

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Q: How can music help patients with Alzheimer's disease?
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Ok well I am sure eating spices help....BUT! the ONLY way to prevent Alzheimers disease and cancers is to eat healthy foods and exercise every single day. You must keep your weight level and on the lean side. My mother died from this dreadful disease and contracted it in her forties. I am fanatical about diet and exercise and live by this and every single day. With the world in a huge crisis with obesity we will soon see Alzheimers in droves every where. If we all go back in time and eat natural healthy foods and don't use food as a social tool all the time then we may be able to prevent this horrible disease. But then and then only....

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