

How can obesity form?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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Obesity can be formed in many different ways.

1) You are born with execess fluid in your body which can turn into fat

2) Overeating and not enough exercise (main way)

3) Bullying, which can lead to overeating (number 2)

4) Some diseases and/or treatments can cause obesity

5) A low matabolism

6) A fear of being underweight, therefore proceeding to number 2

Personally, I have obesity and all execpt for number 4 effect me. Google 'Obesity Causes', there are sure to be more online.

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It is fair to say that it is definitely a form of disease. If nothing changes to correct obesity in children it manifests into adult obesity, which causes too many premature deaths and or disabilities. Regardless of whether it is or isn't considered to be a disease, child obesity is completely preventable. Diet lower in sugar is the first place to start in reducing child obesity problems. I have a site dedicated to helping others identify just what foods we should and shouldn't be eating to improve our health. If you are concerned about your child's weight, I encourage you to take a look.

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The word 'obese' is not a verb; obese is an adjective, a word to describe a noun: an obese budget, an obesedog, etc.The noun form for the adjective obese is obeseness. A related noun form is obesity.

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