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You can avoid Allergies or cold by giving your child healthy and nutritious food to build up immunity. Avoid exposure to allergens that you know they react to. Also, dust proof your home to reduce exposure to allergens.

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Q: How can one avoid allergies and cold of My child?
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Avoid sinus allergies by preventing them. Keep a healthy diet to keep your immune system strong. Drink plenty of water to keep fully hydrated. Exercise aerobically at least four times a week. Stay away or avoid exposure to your allergens may they be pollens, molds, dust, animal dander or certain foods.

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Animals move from one place to another to avoid the cold weather or to find food or water

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no one in one direction has any allergies

What are facts about allergies?

One in three Canadians have food allergies.

What are some children allergies?

Allergies in children are very common and often dangerous these days. Some children allergies include peanuts, pets and flowers. The most popular allergy in children is a peanut allergy, which can often be very severe.

What causes internal fever?

One cause of internal fever is seasonal allergies. Also, a cold or the flu and autoimmune disorders can cause an internal fever.

What is the difference between a summer cold and allergies?

Allergies will return with offenders and cold will run it's course and probably not return until next season, if lucky; allergic fluid running from eyes and nose are clear where the cold's may have a color to it unless the allergy has lasted long enough to become infected; colds have to run their course to be over, allergies can ultimately be alleviated with shot therapy and/or removal of allergens. Although a cold generally has similar symptoms to an allergy, the two conditions are completely different. Colds are caused by a viral infection, whereas allergies are caused by an immune response to an allergen such as pollen, which the immune system treats as an invading pathogen even though it isn't really one.

What cat breed is good with allergies?

one of the best breeds with allergies is the siberian cats

Can you ihherit a cold sore?

Nope cold sores are not genetic. They are often passed durring child hood by being innocently kissed by some one that has a cold sore.

Are peanut allergies really on the rise?

Yes, peanut allergies are rising. Between 1997 to 2003, peanut allergies have doubled. As of this point, no one is sure why.

Can you be allergic to bamboo?

Yes you can but it is one of the less common allergies. In fact, bamboo can be used to help allergies.