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One can get a large water stain out of a white cotton sofa with baking soda and water. Sprinkle some baking soda onto the stain then spray some water onto it. Work the baking soda into the stain by scrubbing it with a soft brush.

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Q: How can one get a large water stain out of a white cotton sofa?
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Bleach with equal parts cold water to help keep the stain from setting in the fabric like warm water would do

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dilute bleach with equal parts water so its not a strong stain lifter. pour over white cotton- then toss directly in washer.

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Yes, it is true.

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Removal of stains is based on the type of stain and the fabric. The best stain removers to try are Oxi Clean, Shout, Spray n Wash, and Zout. Depending on what the stain is, things like white vinegar or baking soda may also get the stain out.

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Try nail polish remover, just get a cotton swab, or cotton ball and wip over it if it doesn't work buy another pair of shoes.

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The best stain remover depends on the type of stain and the type of material you use. The safest stain remover is water, but if you have a protein stain hot water will make the stain worse. Most people agree that bleach is the strongest stain remover, but unless the garment is white or color-safe bleach will cause a worse stain.

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Start from the outside of the stain and work your way in, being careful not to spread the stain onto other areas of the carpet.If you can still see the Kool-Aid stain, mix 2 cups of water with 1 cup of white vinegar.Using this white vinegar solution and a clean white cloth

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It depends on the stain, but your best bet with whites (even cotton) is to just take them to a dry cleaners to let them do it professionally.

Does water stain white teeth?

no, but your stupidity might. Actually, that was not an appropriate answe up there so no because water has no ingredients that can stain your teeth. actually some water can stain teeth my mom and both of my aunts grew up drinking well water and it stained their teeth a brownish yellow.

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Try an enzyme laundry detergent, follow instructions on package. Hydrogen peroxide is very effective also.

How do you get charcoal out of clothes?

You probably cannot get it totally white again but I have washed my white shirt 4 times and half of it has gone away. I use oxy stain remover and now I'm letting it sit in cold water with the stain remover smothered on the stain. I hope it comes out