

How can one slow mitosis down?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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10y ago

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in order not to deform or overgrow cells must reach mitosis to start dividing to grow more but not too much. One could freeze a cell to stop its growth altogether, that's how you pause the growth of a fertilized egg that's not yet a baby.

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14y ago
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10y ago

A low-calorie diet will slow cell mitosis, which in turn can retard aging - up to a point... Finding the right level of nutrition is work, but it has been seen that abstemiousness [a calorie-conservative or 'meager' diet] - seems to prolong life by making so-called 'lifestyle diseases' like Heart disease and Diabetes exceptionally rare; while diets high in calories and fat [especially fat] shorten the lifespan, and promote the fore-mentioned lifestyle diseases. Other diseases which may or may not be directly attributable to diet - like cancer - also appear to be somewhat mitigated by abstemiousness, especially with regard to free use of refined sugars, something that cancer tumors eagerly exploit.

Check out "The China Study":

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11y ago

protein fats tention and speed up your motabolism.

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10y ago

we control mitotic cell division to stop asexual reproduction in humen being

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When skin cells are touching all around.

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