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There is no need to have a record of violent behavior or any behavior for that matter. If there is no rental or lease agreement or the person is not on the title of the home, they have to leave at the owner's request. If the adult will not leave voluntarily, the local authorities will assist the involved parties in having the person removed. The person must be allowed to retrieve any personal items they own, or make arrangements to do so on a specified date following the eviction. If there are continuing problems after the eviction the homeowners have several legal options that can be used to resolve the issue.

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Q: How can parents get their violent adult son evicted from their home if there is no official police record of his violent behavior?
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That playing violent video games or watching violent movies contribute to violent behavior?

Not in my opinion. I have 2 grown sons that played those types of games when they were younger, and still play. Parents need to BE PARENTS. Limit the games to the weekends, and maybe an hour or so during that time. Other then that, tell them to get outside and play!!

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Rarely, but yes.

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Violent behavior is never the answer, as it only leads to harm and destruction.

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It depends on the person. Violent behavior is not necessarily a factor in every case of NPD. Some have anger management problems that could result in violent behavior.

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when children grow up in violent homes they think it's normal behavior to control a weak parent because it's all about power and control

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When kids constantly see people getting murdered and disemboweled they just start to talk about killing and blood.

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Quiet, but when bothered,they become violent.

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it can increase agressive and violent behavior