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Q: How can people be discriminated?
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Are there groups or individuals today in America who still face some form of discrimination?

Of course. Every once in a while all people are discriminated. The first people that come to mind are black and white people. A group of religion called Mormons are discriminated a lot, Muslims are sometimes discriminated. Think of any one type of person or group and they have once been, are being, or will be discriminated.

White people and established African Americans in cities?

found high paying jobs

Why were blacks discriminated?

Because white people are jealous.

What was the purpose of the Chicano movements?

The purpose of the chicano movement was for undocumented workers,students and people to have equal rights and for latinos not to be discriminated

How are people discriminated for their poverty in India?

que hacen no es imposible

Sentences with the word discriminated in it?

In the past people were discriminated against because the their race, religious beliefs or sexuality, unfortunately this discrimination still goes on in some parts of the world.

Can you give me a sentence that have the word gender in it?

People should not be discriminated on the bases of their gender.

Are there times when disabled people are discriminated against?

yes there is times when disable are dicrimanated

How do people feel when they are discriminated?

the feel hurts because they have feelings like us