

How can renewable energy sources prevent global warming?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Renewable energy sources are generally carbon emission free, that is, they emit no carbon dioxide (apart from their construction). Present energy sources are mainly fossil fuels, which, when burnt, release carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas which is causing global warming. If we can switch from fossil energy to renewable energy then we have the global warming problem fixed (if we do it quickly enough).

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Because renewable sources have no carbon emissions and are thus not causing global warming.

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Renewable energy sources are important because they are clean. They release no carbon dioxide, so they have no effect on global warming. Our continued reliance on fossil fuels for energy is harming the environment.

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here are a few of them: 1) they donot cause pollution. 2) they donot contribute to global warming. 3) they are renewable (i.e they donot get over).

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The most popular renewable energy sources currently are: Solar energy. Wind energy. Hydro energy. Tidal energy. Geothermal energy. Biomass energy.

What is the importance of reneweable resources?

They are the way of the future, and the only way to prevent global warming turning into a worldwide disaster. Renewable sources of energy like solar and wind have no harmful emissions of carbon dioxide like fossil fuels.

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renewable source of energy can be regenerated but non-renewable source of energy can not be regenerated.

What will happen if you use renewable energy?

Global warming!

What energy source is renewable?

Renewable energy sources are Solar, wind, Geothermal, Tidal are prime energy sources