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You cant stop teens remain sexually abstinent so keep dreaming

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Q: How can setting priorities help teens remain sexually abstinant?
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That's what Viagra and cialis are for.

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Actually doctors agree that people who remain a virgin their entire life have a lower life expectancy. The sexually activity is good for everyone's health, both mental and physical. They say people well into their 70's should still remain sexually active in order to increase life expectancy.

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How can you and your boyfriend stay sexually happy with out seeing each other?

You can think about each other and what it will be like when you see each other again..fantasize and please yourself by masturbation so you remain faithful to your loved one.

Why will a man that is very attracted to you sexually and likes you not want to date you?

The hard truth is that he may just want you for some 'action' if you know what I mean. He is probably scared of the commitment of dating, and wants to remain a free man.

How do you work with a man who wants to remain noncommittal in a relationship?

The best way is to give him an ultimatum and leave if things are not working. If you are sexually active, you certainly do not want to introduce parenthood to an already-poor relationship. Best of luck to you.