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AMD specialists/ engineers. Look up Skelly & Loy AMD on Google, find contact info if you have problems

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Q: How can water pollutants be monitored?
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Why are pollutants such as nitrogen oxides monitored?

coz it dangermouse to da society lad

When water evaporates and condensates does it still contain pollutants?

YES BECAUSE some pollutants are evaporated with water

If your water is clear and tastes fine should you worry about water quality?

Whether you should worry or not also depends on your water source. If your water source is supplied by a company that has a water-quality assurance program you should not have to worry. However, if your water source is a private well which is not being monitored, you may need to worry if you have reason (e.g. An abandoned gas station or dry cleaner near by). Pollutants can be dissolved in the water and may be tasteless and clear. Therefore, just because water is clear and tastes fine does not mean that it does not contain pollutants.

What is dispersing pollutants in larger volumes of water referred to as?

Dispersing pollutants in larger volumes of water is called dilution.

Precipitataions that can carry pollutants into water?

Precipitation can carry pollutants in water whereby when moisture rises and mixes with gases from industries thereby condensing and falling back as acid rain may carry the pollutants into water.

Types of water pollutants?

Industry, Animals, Agriculture, and Runoff from roads

What different types of pollutians are there?

There are many types of pollutants, and they are classified by the parts of the environment they pollute. The most common are water pollutants and air pollutants.

Why does water quality need to be monitored?


Harmful molecules in water are called?


Distilled water is nearly free of?


How to detect pollutants in drinking water?

Detection of pollutants in drinking water spreading awareness about air pollution through posters survey about pesticides and other agrochemicals

What types of pollution are there?

Secondary pollutants. Secondary pollutants are pollutants caused by man. Which consider smog, chemical pollution,ect.. Primary pollutants. primary pollutants are pollutants that are caused by nature. Volcano's eruptions etc. pollution can be caused in the air water sound and any where in the environment