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Just toss the ball underhand at first.

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Q: How can we use underhand in a sentence?
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How do you use the word underhand in a sentence?


What does underhand and overhand mean in volleyball?

Underhand is where your hit the ball by reaching forward underneath it. Overhand is where you hit the ball above your head. Which one you use would have to depend on where you are relative to the ball. If it is above your head, you will have to use overhand (maybe you will have to jump), while if the ball is going to hit the ground in front of you, you will have to use the underhand hit (and you may have to dive for it).

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it is good to use underhand layups than overhand because in overhand layups the momentum of ur body is added to ur realese so when u release the ball at a gud speed the ball often bounce of the backboard............. but underhand layups require more strength and a good height to execute it................................learn underhand layups and execute it in the game and have fun.................................

What is the definition of underhand serve?

In an underhand serve, you ball you fist and hit the ball with the palm of you hand while in the fist. You hit it like you are throwing a ball underhand. Good luck!

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What is an underhad serve?

the underhand serve is good for begginers to use. It is simply another way of getting the ballover the net. The ballis held in one hand and hit by the heel of the other hand. The underhand serve is genarally not as effective as the overhand serve.

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underhand? what do you mean?