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plant cells

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Q: How can you'll the difference from a plant cell and any other cell?
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Was there any other structural difference between the plant cell and the animal cell that you were able to observe?

Plant cells have cell walls and chloroplast

What featurns can be used to distinguish between an animal cell and a plant cell?

The major differences are the cell wall in the plant cell is not present in the animal cell, the other major difference is that an animal cell has no permanent vacuole.

What is one difference between the animal and plant cell?

The most obvious difference between an animal cell and a plant cell is that animal cells have cell membranes, whereas plant cells have cell walls.

What makes the difference of a plant cell and animal cell?

Plant Cells have a Cell wall. Animal Cells do not.

One plant cell that is not in a animal cell?

plant cells arent in animal cells the difference is that a plant cell has a cell wall and a larger vacoule

What is the difference from animal cell and plant cell?

Animal cell do not have cell wall while plant cell do have cell wall. In Animal cell plastids are usually absent and plant cell have plastids.

What is the different between plant cell and animal cells?

The most prominent difference is that a plant cell has a cellulose cell wall.

What is the difference between an animal cell and a pant cell?

A plant cell has a cell wall. An animal cell doesn't. A plant cell also contains chlorplast.

In a tabular form the difference between plant and animal?

Answer this question...diffirences between plant and animal

What is the difference between a plant and a plant cell?

1) Plant cells have cell wall which is absent in animal cell. 2) Plant cell lack centrioles whereas animal cells have centrioles.

What is the difference between cell division in plant cells and in animal cells is that plant cells have?

One difference between cell division in plant cells and in animal cells is that plant cells have a cell plate. Animals cell's have a cleavage furrow.

What is the main difference between animal and plant cells?

plant cell have wall ,animal cell don't.