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Get bitten by a mosquito tat carries the virus go to Africa or other area known to be at high risk

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Q: How can you catch the disease of malaria?
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Related questions

Is malaria an acute disease or chronic disease?

malaria is an acute disease

Is malaria a controlled disease?

Malaria is partially controlled disease.

Is malaria a disease in Hungary?

No, malaria is a tropical disease. Hungary is not tropical

How come people who has had malaria can not give blood?

B/c once you've had malaria, you never, ever get entirely rid of it. And since it's a disease of the blood, any one who got your blood would also catch the disease.

Is malaria an ancient Egyptian disease?

Yes, malaria IS an Ancient Egyptian disease.

Malaria is what type of disease?

Malaria is a zoonotic disease meaning it is carried by an animal then the disease is transferred to the human by an agent such as the animal itself or bactiria ect...

Can gorillas catch malaria?

Yes, there are some scientists looking into it, but they found a disease inside a mountain gorilla's immune system and he has all the symtoms but the gorilla acts fine. They know that if a perso got it, they would die immediatly. So yes.

Are mosquito bites the only way to catch malaria?

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites. Humans catch malaria when that parasite enters their blood stream. The parasite that causes malaria is a protozoan called Plasmodium. They are very small organisms that have only one cell (but are larger and more complex than bacteria). To answer your question, no, there are other ways to "catch" malaria. A baby can get it while inside its mother. This is called maternal-fetal transmission. People can also get malaria from a blood transfusion. This is when someone gives blood to another person. Another way people can catch malaria is by using a needle that someone with the disease used before them. A few obvious ways to prevent infection are: controlling mosquitoes, keeping mosquitoes from biting, and taking medicine to keep from getting sick after a bite (most relevant to parts of the world where people can get malaria).

When was malaria first thought of?

malaria is a disease it was not thought of

What is the disease caused by the protist plasmodium?


What are some disease that starts with the letter M?

I'm looking for an answer to that question

Is malaria a contagious disease?

Malaria is a serious disease spread by mosquitoes. Malaria is not considered as a contagious disease for a reason that itÕs not spread from person to person through casual contact.