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Q: How can you commit active euthanasia?
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What is the difference between active euthanasia and non-active euthanasia?

non active euthanasia is the same as assisted suiside :)active euthanasia is just plain old suiside :)

How might a parent believe in euthanasia?

A parent might believe in euthanasia if they see it for them selves or see that somebody they know or is very close to tries to commit suicide :)

Euthanasia should be legalized in Taiwan?

Active euthanasia should not be legalized anywhere, however physician assisted suicide should be

Is euthanasia legal in Singapore?

Singapore does allow passive euthanasia. They must sign a legal document. Someone trying to commit suicide in Singapore, however, can be punished by being put in jail.

What does india think about euthanasia?

India passed a law on March 7, 2011 that allows passive euthanasia for those who request it. Passive euthanasia means that life support can be removed if the person is in a permanent vegetative state. Active euthanasia is still illegal.

Why do bees commit suicide?

Bees don't commit suicide so much as they perform self-euthanasia. If they are injured or cannot make it back to the hive, they will sting themselves, ending their life.

Why is Euthanasia illegal in Malaysia?

This is because A big majority of Malaysians (about 55%) is made up of Muslims. To them, active euthanasia is "Islamically" forbidden since killing is a major sin while passive euthanasia is still a debate among Islam scholars.

What are the four types of euthanasia?


What laws does India have regarding euthanasia?

Euthanasia was illegal in India until 6th march 2011.Supreme court of India declared Passive Euthanasia as legal and acceptable but under certain circumstances. The ruling came as per the Aruna case of 1973. This was indeed a historic moment.PS: Active Euthanasia is still illegal

What is activated euthanasia?

An active euthanasia is when a third party does the final act that ends the life of the person. When you look at the definition of "to kill", this could also be stated "when one person kills another".

Is voluntary active euthanasia morally preferable to passive euthanasia?

If you are talking about suicide among the terminally ill, that is of course a frightful option . obviously the suicide wants to die and is taking his or her own life .

What people are affected by euthanasia?

Euthanasia can affect patients who may consider it as an option to end their suffering, as well as their families who may have to make difficult decisions about end-of-life care. Healthcare providers involved in administering or considering euthanasia may also be impacted emotionally, morally, and legally. Additionally, society at large may be affected by debates surrounding ethical, legal, and moral implications of euthanasia.