

How can you compare electromagnetic waves to sound waves?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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The clearest difference is in their speeds. Sound travels around 720 miles an hour at sea level. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. That is it goes a foot in about a picosecond. Sound will go a foot in about one milisecond. Sound needs a medium like air or water to travel and is greatly effected by the medium. Light travels without much regard for its' medium or the lack of one. It is effected when going through glass and crystals. Light will bend and even separate into its constituent colors. Sound is produced mechanically. Light is caused by the electron activity in an atom. It can be mechanically generated but is an electronic activity. Sound occurs when molecules are excited by a repeated mechanical action. A speaker cone moving back and forth causes air pressure variations that our ear gathers and starts translating it into something our brains can deal with. Light happens when the atoms valence electrons are made to jump into a higher orbit and when they fall back down they give off a photon. It is light in a confusing quantum package that has the properties of both having mass and being an electromagnetic wave.

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Q: How can you compare electromagnetic waves to sound waves?
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Sound waves aren't an electromagnetic wave. So aren't seismic waves. So aren't waves in the ocean, in your hair, or waves bye-bye.

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Light waves are electromagnetic waves that move at the speed of light. Sound waves are compression waves that move through a medium (air, liquids, solids), with varying speeds according to the medium.

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In air at sea level, the speed of electromagnetic waves isroughly 882 thousand times the speed of sound.

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It means explain how electromagnetic waves are different than water and sound waves.

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because sound waves are not a electromagnetic waves because they need a medium for travel....hence electromagnetic spectrum is based on the electromagnetic waves radio waves , micro waves , etc....

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electromagnetic waves

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I think you are confusing something. Sound waves, and electromagnetic waves, are two different types of waves.

What kind of wave's wavelength compare to a cell?

a sound waves wavelength compares to a cell by comparing the waves one by the other. cells compared to wavelength are electromagnetic waves lol:)

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Electromagnetic waves only cause sound pollution because they are sound waves.

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