

How can you count your IQ?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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16y ago

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BY ANSWERING A IQ TEST!!!!! Lick your finger and stick it in the wind. Then stare in the North direction for 5 minutes without blinking. When your eyes start to water, count to 10, take a deep breath, then twenty, another deep breath, then thirty. Then nod your head really fast to shake up all that information. When its nice and mixed, you are now ready to count your IQ... Sit down with a pen and paper, and write in BIG letters : 'I am very stupid'

Now read it back to yourself SLOWLY.


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Does. No, IQ does not count as a grade, though high IQ may let one achieve better grades. Hard work helps quite a bit too.

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Why Not? just because some of us can't count that high in numbers! lol

If my full scale iq is 77, my memory IQ is 83, my verbal IQ is 9, And myspatial IQ is 102 What is my IQ?

Sorry verbal iQ is 96. not 9

What is an IQ and how is it IQ measrued?

Your IQ is your intelligence quotient. You can determine your IQ by taking a certain test. :)

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Maybe. Everyone's scores flucuate when taking IQ tests, but an ADHD child's scores will fluctuate even more on a given day, as the disorder fluctuates in intensity. Also, especially as the child matures, his/her English scores will most likely continue to drop. Visual-spatial capabilities are more likely to be higher than average, however.

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