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find someone that is younger but more mature

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Q: How can you date someone younger than you but older than you?
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Can a Woman Older than eighteen date someone younger than eighteen?

As long as there is no more than a four year age difference.

Is it illegal in new york to date someone 18 years older than you if you are under the age of 18?

yes. it is illegal for the older person not the younger

How do you get a date to homecomming with someone that is older then you?

You ask someone older than you to be your date to homecoming.

Would Princeton date someone younger than him?

Yes, he will i just want to know if he will date someone 5 years younger than him

Chris Brown would you date someone who is 5 years younger than you?

Im sure he might date someone younger than him but not two younger than him maybe about 2 or 3 years younger.

Why is Justin bieber dating someone who is older than him?

It would be extremely difficult for each of us to date someone of only our own age. There is nothing wrong with dating someone older or younger than yourself as long as it is within the law.

Does miley date younger teens?

She could, but she seems to date people older than her.

Is it a sin to date someone older than you?

No. It isn't even very unusual. It's common for older men to date and marry younger women, but it's no longer considered "strange" for younger men to date and marry older women, sometimes by a considerable margin. These "May/December" romances can prove to be remarkably stable.

Would Joe Jonas date a girl with a 6 year age gap?

probably not since its illegal to date someone 4 years older or younger than you are

Which person is better to marry someone older than you or some one younger than you?

If your a girl someone older duh!! a boy, someone younger or its just really weird........ I mean realy :D

Does one direction care if they date someone younger than them?

It depends how much younger.