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Q: How can you describe a person who is independent and strong by using an image or an object?
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A strong urine smell

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a snake zodiac signs leo attribute to strong character

How would you describe a strong person?

A strong person is someone who demonstrates resilience and determination in facing challenges. They exhibit mental toughness, emotional stability, and the ability to overcome adversity with grace and courage.

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The apple is strong, vibrant and angry

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"Brave", "Strong", "Loving", "Courageous", and "Thoughtful".

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Love can't be describe is words its a strong feeling you get when you look at that special person .

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fit, strong, satisfied, well-balanced

How can you describe a person in one word who is crazy trust able strong sweet and dramatic?

all i can say is that person is frustrated

Describe you as a strong person?

In describing yourself as a strong person, you should look at all the possible angles. These may include emotionally, physically, mentally and socially among others.