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Q: How can you determine the kinetic energy of a sky diver above earth?
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Is air pressure higher at higher elevation?

Lower. There is less air pressure pushing down on you, than say, a deep sea diver

Why helium is used for respiration in deep water instead if nitrogen?

To breathe underwater a diver must be supplied air at a pressure equal to that of the water surrounding the diver. However there is an upper limit of oxygen pressure above which the oxygen becomes biochemically toxic. Therefore, it is necessary to include something to dilute the oxygen in a diver's breathing gas. To satisfy normal breathing requirements at high pressures, it is necessary to supply between 0.2 and 1.5 atmospheres of oxygen with the rest of the balance made up by a non-toxic diluent (such as nitrogen). Air of course is a suitable breathing mixture for a diver based primarily on nitrogen as the oxygen diluent.Air is in fact the preferred breathing mixture for all dives to depths of less than about 150-200 fsw (feet of sea water). However, even at 150 fsw, when breathing air most divers feel the effects of nitrogen narcosis. Beyond this depth helium is preferred as the diluent and is in fact particularly well suited to the depth range immediately beyond air diving (e.g., 150-250 fsw). Helium does not cause narcosis at these pressures, is relatively inexpensive and is readily available. Moreover helium has a low density and is, therefore, easy to breathe at such pressures. There are problems with helium though, problems that are seriously amplified as diving depths approach those of the outer continental shelves and beyond. First there is the problem of communication. Everyone knows what breathing helium will do to your voice. Due principally, it is believed, to changes in the speed of sound in the gas medium, this effect is a sensitive function of depth. Helium speech at sea level is distorted, in a way that seems funny to both the listener and the speaker, but it is completely intelligible. At 200 fsw speech with Helium is still reasonably understandable. However, as depths increase to the range between 400 and 600 fsw the situation becomes more serious, and to someone trying to get a job done helium speech is no longer considered funny. Speech in this range is totally lost on an untrained ear, though anticipated statements can be understood by a listener familiar with the voice and the situation. So often, however, a sudden change in the topic of conversation throws everyone off, and it is necessary for the diver to speak slowly, repeat himself and to try to say things a different way. It can be done but it is slow and consequently expensive. The other problem is that Helium is about 4 times as good at conducting heat as nitrogen. Which when at the chilly depth of 500 fsw means that you are going to get VERY cold.

Why does air exert pressure?

Air exerts pressure in the same way that water exerts pressure on a diver. Air has weight, and because we are at the bottom of a blanket of air that surrounds the earth, the weight of that air is pressing down on us (creating pressure). If you go under water, you'll feel the additional pressure created by the weight of the water above you.

Why does fresh air will kill you?

Fresh air, by definition, is clean breathable air. It will not kill you under almost all circumstances. These circumstances can be manipulated under specific, and somewhat unusual conditions, to result in your death. As an example, a hard-hat diver or caisson worker receives fresh air from a surface mounted compressor directed into his helmet or working space. As the air is pressurized it allows the nitrogen (almost 80% of the air) to dissolve in your blood. If you are suddenly decompressed by rising up in the water too quickly (for the diver) or leave the caisson without decompression (for the sandhog) the nitrogen will "fizz" in your blood like the bubbles in a bottle of pop when you open it and collect in your blood vessels. This problem is called "the bends" from the way the pain preceding death doubles you over. This will stop the blood flow to your heart or brain or other essential parts and you will be very sick or die.For this reason divers use air mixtures that are artificial, not fresh air. These mixtures are oxygen helium mixtures that do not create the bends,

What shape should an object be in order to travel faster through air?

it has to be presisly sharp at the top right through to the botom like this ^ see very sharp at the top which will make it glide through the air with less power needed like when u make paper planes see a boat in water i has to cut the water diver, they have to cut the water otherwise its like hitting concreate and u can die. so you cut thew the air with a sharp tops

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The diver at the top of the cliff would have potential energy due to their position above the ground. This potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy as the diver falls towards the water.

What form of energy does a diver on a tower have?

A diver on a tower has potential energy due to their position above the ground. As they jump, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as they move downwards.

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What type of energy does a diver have while standing at the edge of a diving board?

The diver has potential energy due to their position above the water. This potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy as the diver jumps off the board and enters the water.

What energy is it when the diver jumps and the board bends down?

The diver at the top of a diving board has potential energy

Is running an kinetic or potential energy?

The potential energy of the mass of the sky diver is transformed into kinetic energy during the free fall. The kinetic energy of the free fall is transformed into kinetic energy and heat of the air when the parachute is deployed.

What type of energy dose a diver have while standing at the edge of a diving bored?

it depends if it is bouncing if it is it is kinetic energy but it your just standing on it it's potential

As a skydiver fallsthe air is forced around him.what energy transformation doe's this cause?

Gravitational potential energy of the sky diver to kinetic energy of the air which moves around him.

Who will hear the sound of an approaching boat first this diver or his friend above the water?

The friend above the water will hear the sound of an approaching boat first because sound travels faster through water than through air.

What energy transformation occurs in a pencil sharpener?

mechanical energy

What kind of energy is used when diving?

When diving, energy from food stored in the body is utilized by the muscles for movement and breathing. Additionally, the body may also use energy stored in the form of glycogen and fat to sustain prolonged diving activities.

What are some examples of the forms of energy?

Kinetic- Throwing a baseballPotential- Holding a baseballGravitational Potential- A diver standing motionless of a diving boardElastic Potential- Bouncing a bouncy ball.Mechanical- A moving trainChemical- Gasoline in a carElectrical- Lightning StrikingElectromagnetic- Satellites in spaceNuclear- An exploding bombThermal- Boiling Water