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While on the pill you don't have an ovulation cycle - the pill prevents ovulation. Once off the pill you can start tracking ovulation by cervical mucus changes and charting your menstrual cycle. Ovulation happens about 14 days prior to menstruation.

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Q: How can you determine your ovulation cycle when you have been on the pill for so long and you have not had a period in two years?
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How can you determine your conception date if you still have a period?

See the Related Link for "Conception calculator" to the bottom for the answer. For example, if the first day of your last period was January 22, the date of conception will be somewhere around 5th/6th February if you have a 28 day cycle. The majority of women ovulate 14 days before a period, and most have a cycle of around 28 days. From ovulation to birth is 38 weeks and for the hundreds of years before ultrasound, working out 40 weeks from the beginning of the last period was the only way of working out the due date. If your cycle is shorter or longer than 28 days, work out when your NEXT period would have been due and you probably conceived about 14 days before that.

At what point in your cycle are you ovulating?

It depends. Ovulation times can be delayed by months or years at a time, or they can come early (this happened to my sister when she was under stress). A conservative number is five days: ie the first five days of your cycle starting on the day your period begins are most likely totally infertile.

How is menstruation different from menopause?

Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle, a process involving ovulation and if conception doesn't occur the uterine lining is shed (menstruation) in preparation for the possibility of conception during the next cycle. Menopause is the process where you come to the end of your reproductive years, it's when ovulation starts to slow down.

Can you get pregnant after the dnc and have not had a period for 3 years?

You need to find out why you have not had a period in three years - during a D & C, the doctor gently scrapes the lining off of the uterine wall. No period indicates the lining has not been replaced, a process that should happen during your monthly cycle. After ovulation, when an egg is released - without conception, the uterine lining is shed this is the monthly bleeding called a period. A new lining is started every month - waiting for possible implantation of a fertilized egg.

Would you still ovulate after your period?

Ovulation takes place on the 11th day of every month, maybe 10th day or 12th day we are all different, Count 11 days from the first day of your last period, this is your day of ovulation, this will be the same every month until your about 50 years old, most women have a 26 day cycle, that's how we know we are due a period. The best time to fall pregnent would be day 10 11 & 12 these days are best avoided should pregnence is not welcomed at this time.

I spotted the first three days of my period and then it was heavy the next two days how do you know if ovulated This was my first time off the pill in 12 years and I am 31.?

You will only know if you ovulated by purchasing a ovulation predictor test from your Pharmacist. Your period is not caused by ovulation but by the reduction in the amount of BCP in your system.

What is Rigel's period of rotation?

I suspect that is not known. It is hard to determine the period of rotation for a star that is about 700 light-years away.

What does it mean if you have started your period in the space of 2 weeks of your last period?

its just irregular, this is normal for the first years, up to 3 or even 4 years until your period cycle will become normal.

How long is your period irregular?

Your period may stay irregular until you are 18 to 20 years old when you will develop a regular cycle.

Can a 14 years old get pregnant?


When are you most fertile if a period last up to 7 days?

Woman can be fertile anytime after the start of the menstrual cycle. She can become pregnant even before she gets her menstrual cycle. Usually the first two to three years may be with out ovulation. But this is not the rule of thumb. After this period the woman becomes more likely to have pregnancy.