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Q: How can you embed or connect nutch crawler to your webpage?
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How do you get the golden axe in city folk?

You need a fountain and a regular axe. Stand in front of the open part of the fountain and press 'C' you may have to do this more than once and always pick regular axe in the options and after a while Serena, the fountain Goddess, will have an option where she has the bar that you can slide a notch up or down, move the nutch up but not all the way up and she will give you a gold or silver axe

How can Hadoop be used in data science?

Hadoop for Data Science The term "data science" encompasses a wide range of topics. Mathematics, statistics, and programming are just a few of the fields that have influenced it. Hadoop is the technology that holds massive amounts of data - which data scientists can work with - and every data scientist must understand how to extract the data in order to do analysis. What is Hadoop? Hadoop is an open-source software framework that processes massive data sets across clusters of computers using fundamental programming principles. Hadoop is designed to scale from a single server to tens of thousands. Nutch, an open-source search engine designed by Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella, gave birth to Hadoop. In the early days of the Internet, the two wanted to devise a mechanism to return web search results faster by sharing data and calculations across multiple computers, allowing numerous activities to be accomplished simultaneously. Using Hadoop for Data Exploration Data exploration is a vital aspect of data preparation, which takes about 80 percent of a data scientist's effort. Hadoop excels in data exploration because it helps them identify nuances in the data they aren't aware of. Hadoop enables data scientists to store data without having to interpret it, which is the purpose of data exploration. The data scientist doesn't need to grasp the data when working with "a lot of data." Why use Hadoop? Data scientists are experts at extracting and analyzing competitive power: Hadoop's distributed computing paradigm enables them to handle massive data sets. Hadoop has several benefits for data science, including: Flexibility: Hadoop saves information without the need for preprocessing. Now is the time to save data—even unstructured data like text, photos, and video—and figure out what to do with it afterwards. Fault tolerance: Hadoop keeps many copies of every data by default, and if one node dies while processing data, jobs are moved to other nodes, and distributed computing continues. Low cost: Data is kept on commodity hardware, and the open-source framework is free. Scalability: The open-source framework is free, and the data is stored on commodity hardware. If you want to become a data scientist, understanding Hadoop is a good way to speed things up. Even if you don't have much experience with Hadoop, you can become a data scientist by learning Python and R programming languages and applying them to a subset of data. Python, R, and even Hadoop can be learned at Learnbay's data science courses in Mumbai, making them an excellent starting point for anybody interested in a career in data science. If you want to learn more about data science courses In Mumbai then please visit