

How can you find other people on WikiAnswers?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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10y ago

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If you mean you want to find another user - click the 'spy-glass' icon at the top-right of the screen, click the 'members' tab - and type the username you're looking for.

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Curious people use WikiAnswers, along wiht many other kinds of people from all over the world. Curious people want to know an answer to their question, so they go to WikiAnswers to find the answer. There are many other types of people who use WikiAnswers, in fact, millions of different individuals use WikiAnswers.

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WikiAnswers is an amazing website where people ask questions, then other people answer them. It is quite nifty.

Are people on WikiAnswers dumb?

No, the people on WikiAnswers are not 'dumb'. Everyone on WikiAnswers is smart in their own individual way. Calling other contributors 'dumb' is known as cyberbullying on WikiAnswers and is not tolerated.

Where can you find videos that show information about the WikiAnswers website?

You can find videos that show information about WikiAnswers on YouTube. If you type in WikiAnswers in the YouTube search box, you will most likely find a video that shows about WikiAnswers. WikiAnswers has a YouTube channel, so you can see many other videos related to WikiAnswers, too.

How do you find people on WikiAnswers?

Go to the community forum.

How do you not know this stuff when i asked all the other stuff and you ansered them right?

WikiAnswers has many, many people who answer questions. It's possible that the people who can answer your questions are not here at the moment. You should have other resources too, WikiAnswers is just one possible place to find answers.

How do you know if you have best answer on WikiAnswers?

There is no 'best answer' facility on WikiAnswers - it's not like other forums such as Yahoo ! - where people are allowed to vote for a best answer. On WikiAnswers, people who find a contributor's answer interesting, humorous or informative can award a 'trust point' - but - there is no guarantee anyone answering the question is actually qualified to do so !

How many people usually find answers on WikiAnswers?

over 500 people find answer on wiki answers.

Is WikiAnswers conning people?

No, WikiAnswers itself does not con people. Users on WikiAnswers may post false information in order to lure people into a scam, but this information can be removed by Supervisors and other WikiAnswers members as soon as it is identified. If you spot a user trying to scam people on WikiAnswers, remove their edits and contact a Supervisor.

Is safe?

WikiAnswers is a very safe place. Supervisors supervise WikiAnswers to make WikiAnswers as safe as possible for other users. If you find that WikiAnswers is unsafe for you, contact a Supervisor and they will help you.