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how much oil do potato chips absorb

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Q: How can you find out how much oil a potato chip has?
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What is the variable in the greasy potato chip experiment?

the fat and oil inside a layer . By Dr.Schautzer C. Clark

Which is better ready-made potato chips or homemade?

Homemade potato chips are better,because the ready-made chips have alot of bad ingredients in them,so buy a potato chip cutter,frie them add a little oil and a pinch of salt and done.Homemade chips are much yummier,crispier,healthier and alot less fattier!

Where do chips contain fat?

chips that are not dry or roasted such as apple chips, banana chips, are fried in oil. potato chips are potato shavings that are fried in oil to give them that crunchy texture and delicious flavor. all the fat is held in the oil which is absorbed by the potato. if you look on a chip package sometimes it will say baked chips, or roasted. then it would not have been fried in oil. go to for the fat and nutritional contents of any food you can think of ;-)

Difference between potato chip and french fry?

The difference is that potato chips have more fat in them, and also are more greasy that tortilla chips. Tortilla chips have salt but they aren't very greasy. Many people prefer potato chips better than tortilla.

What makes potato chips greasy?

Because they're fried in oil. Potato chips are greasy because companies use oil on the potato slices to help make them crispy when they are fried or baked. It also adds delicious flavor!

How much oil is used in making potato chips?

you need 2.7 tablespoons.

Is peanut oil potato chips healthier than regular potato chips?

depends on how much is used. but it is better than some vegetable oils.

What is used to make potato chips?

potato, salt and oil.

How much oil is in one fried chip?

half a cup of oil (that is really bad so try not to eat any take away)

How does the energy content of the potato change if cooked in oil?

If the potato is cooked in cooking oil, the energy content of the potato would increase. This is because the oil would provide additional calories and fat to the potato, which would make it more energy-dense. Additionally, the cooking oil would make the potato more moist, tender, and flavorful.

How do you make car synthetic oil?

chip oil or fat

What happens to potato when put into oil?

If it's boiling oil, it fries.