

How can you find out if a linked list is circular?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Pseudocode for detecting loops in a linked list:

// keep track of which linked list nodes we've visited

set nodesVisited

// our list

linkedlist list

// current working node

node current = list.root

while is not null

if nodesVisited contains

we found a loop!


nodesVisited.add( current )

current =

// if we get here without finding a loop, then there are no loops

Complete Working code And illustrative pictures can be found here about linked lists

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You'll need to use a doubly-linked circular list, since otherwise when you pop off the tail element you'll need to whizz all the way round the list to find its predecessor. See the links section for an implementation of a doubly-linked circular list.

How do you check whether a linked list is circular?

A linked list is circular if the tail of the list points to the head. The easiest way to check this is to check whether the pointer of the tail is a null pointer. If it is, then the list is not circular.

W difference between a linear linked list and a circular linked list?

I would say that there is no such thing as a circular queue. The point of a circular data structure is to allow the end to loop around to the beginning. Since you can only remove items from the beginning of a queue or add them to the front, having these two items linked has no purpose nor benefit.

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The Josephus problem is a problem to locate the place for the last survivour. It shows the power of the circular linked list over the singly linked lists.

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if the last node contains the address of head node instead of null then it is a circular linked llist...

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How do you find whether linked list is circular or not?

To determine if a linked list is circular, you can use the Floyd's cycle detection algorithm. This algorithm involves using two pointers moving at different speeds through the list, and if there is a cycle, the two pointers will eventually meet at the same node. If they don't meet and one of the pointers reaches the end of the list, then the list is not circular.

What are the disadvatages of singly linked list?

You may only traverse the linked list in one direction, and unless the linked list is also circular, you must always start from the root node and walk through each additional node until you find the desired value.

What is the difference between circular linklist and linklist?

In a circular linked list every node is connected to another node. In a non-circular linked list. There are definitely starting and ending nodes are lacking an incoming and outgoing link, respectively.

Explain Pseudo code for circular linked list?

write pseudocode for link list