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I doubt if this is an alergy, but if it is, it must be from your laundry detergent, bath soap, or some feminine hygiene product. Try changing brands for a couple of weeks and see if the condition improves.

There is a slight chance that you could be allergic to spermicide, the most common one used with contraceptives and condoms is Nonoxynol-9, it is in Trojan and durex too. It is a harsh detergent that will cause allergic reactions, try not using this, or talk to your Dr.

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Q: How can you find out what you are allergic to that causes vaginal discharge and redness around the vagina?
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What are signs of vaginal diseases?

Anything that is out of the norm for you should be checked out by a medical professional. This may include: Bleeding between periods foul discharge abdominal pain pain during or after intercourse bleeding after intercourse sores, lumps or lesions

Why do i have clear vaginal discharge dripping out?

It means ur around a week away and it is totally normal

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Some of the symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis are: ~Watery and thin discharge ~A fishy or a strong unpleasant smell ~Greyish white discharge Less common symptoms are itchiness or soreness around the vagina and vulva. One of the less common sexually transmitted diseases, bacterial vaginosis has two common symptoms for women. There is an abnormal discharge, which can be yellow or grayish white, and a pungent odor from the groin area.

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During the first week after childbirth (or around 5 days) one would experience "lochia rubra" a bright red discharge, since it contains blood, obviously. That will pass and turn to lochia serosa, a brownish discharge, and eventually will end up to lochia alba, a whitish discharge.

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Only if you have not scratched it. You can cause a "redness/rash" at the site merely by scratching the bite and spreading the mosquito saliva around. If the swelling spreads out past a normal size (more than 1") then it is possible you are having an allergic reaction.

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The first signs would be a combination of swelling, redness and possible smelly discharge around the piercing as well as pain or a throbbing sensation in the ear lobe.

When a brown vaginal discharge comes out does that mean that i still have my period?

Brown vaginal discharge can be related to your period, it's known as spotting and caused when blood mixes with discharge and takes time to leave the body (thus going brown). It can occur just before or after your period, light periods may be only light spotting like this, or brown discharge can be an indication of bleeding for other reasons like hormonal imbalance or ovulation spotting.

Can paint coming off your bath tub make your vagina swell and itch?

Vaginal discharge is normal. Changes in normal vaginal occur if the normal bacteria in your vagina is upset. Many things can cause imbalance which includes douching, feminine hygiene spray, soaps of bubble baths, antibiotics, diabetes, pregnancy or infections. Changes that may signal a problem include an increase in the amount of discharge, a change in the colour or smell of the discharge, irritation, itchiness, burning, in and around your vagina.

What does it mean when your pregnant and you discharge greenish yellowish stuff?

Normal discharge varies for each woman. Generally, slightly yellow, white, and clear discharge is normal. The color and consistency of discharge can change depending on where a woman is in her cycle. However, if yellow discharge is abnormal for you, it could be a sign of infection. Bacterial vaginosis is most commonly associated with a yellow or green colored discharge and can also cause some itching around the vaginal area. It is important to make an appointment with your doctor to be properly diagnosed, as some infections require antibiotics.

What does it mean when you discharge yellow?

Normal discharge varies for each woman. Generally, slightly yellow, white, and clear discharge is normal. The color and consistency of discharge can change depending on where a woman is in her cycle. However, if yellow discharge is abnormal for you, it could be a sign of infection. Bacterial vaginosis is most commonly associated with a yellow or green colored discharge and can also cause some itching around the vaginal area. It is important to make an appointment with your doctor to be properly diagnosed, as some infections require antibiotics.

Is it normal to have vaginal discharge?

The normal vaginal discharge is simply clear fluid. It may become thicker and stickier close to ovulation. Any time discharge is yellowish or greenish, like nasal snot during an infection, it is a sign of bacterial infection. Any time discharge looks like white milk or like cottage cheese, it is a sign of a yeast infection. Please never have intercourse when you have an infection-- it can be passed to a guy who can carry the germs and give it back to you or to whoever else he has sex with.

What are signs of a newly pierced infected belly botton piercing?

Redness, heat, and fluid discharge are most common. Some coloured discharge (white or pale yellow is lymph discharge and it completely normal) may come out of it. If there is just a slight redness around the holes there is nothing to worry about. The best thing to do is to leave the jewellery in (to allow any fluid to drain and prevent an abscess forming) and to soak the piercing in warm salt water - add half a teaspoon of sea salt to boiling water and allow to cool to warm, rather than hot, soak your piercing twice daily.