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Try your local grocery store as a bagger or a movie theatre as an usher. Most fast food restaurants and retail store won't hire employees under sixteen becuause of insurance liabilities. You might also consider looking into small businesses around your neighborhood that could use unskilled labor. Don't be in a rush to get to work, trust me, you have plenty of years in front of you to work. Good Luck.

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Q: How can you find someone who will hire a 15 year old who has a work permit?
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What age does Jamba Juice hire?

you must be at least 16+ with a work permit

Can a 14 year old be legally employed?

yes if they have a work permit and the place they work is willing to hire them...there are not many places that will hire you until you are older.

Where can you find work at the age of 15 in Kentucky?

Chick-fil-a may hire someone at that age.

If we want to establish our own business in uk then we also need work permit for it?

If you want to establish a business in the UK and hire immigrants, you will need a permit for them to work.

What age does keva juice hire?

You must be 16 years plus with a work permit.

Im entering freshman year in highschool and my dad wants me to get a job I live in illinois Can you explain the work permit situation I cant understand it please?

If your dad wants you to get a job as a Freshman in High School you will need to get a work permit. It's easy to get a work permit but first you have to look for a job. Once you have found someone who will hire you, they need to write a letter of intent to hire you that explains your hours and your job responsibilities. You will then take that letter to the career counselor at your high school and they will review the letter and issue you a work permit if the job seems safe and does not interfere with your school hours.

What stores hire 12-year-old in Alabama?

None. The minimum age to work is 14 and you must have a work permit.

Can you hire your own company to do work at your house?

yes, if you pull a "homeowners" permit you can hire anyone to do anything in your home but it still needs to be inspected by the city

Can you be 15 and work?

Yes but in most areas you require a Work Permit if you are under 16 and many places may not hire you.

Can a 14 year old get a job in Tulsa Oklahoma?

You can work at chic fil a and bruams. library's also hire. You defiantly can work, but you need your workers permit and a food handlers permit!

Can you work as a auto mechanic with two DUI?

There is no law against it. Find someone to hire you. Do not test drive any vehicles.

Can a 13 year old get a job at a pet shelter?

As long as he/ she has a work permit, there is a good chance. But i believe 14 would be better!