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Q: How can you get a father to sign over his rights when he is in another state and you have no contact with him?
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What are a father's rights?

It depends entirely on what state you live in. Contact your local family court and they can assist you.

How can your husband adopt your child in the state of MN if the biological father has no contact?

You may attempt to contact the biological father to request he give up his parental rights. If he is willing to do this, any family law attorney can process the paperwork. If you are unable to contact the father, you can petition the courts to terminate his rights as an absentee. Again, a competent family law attorney can process this for you.

Is there a legal form on the internet a biological father can sign to give up his rights to the mother of the child?

In the state of Illinois, a biological father cannot give up his rights to the mother, but he can sign over his rights to another male. For example, a step father

If your sons father does not have contact with his son and doesn't show interest in him how easy would it be for you to get custody if he wont sign over his rights?

Depends on the state.

Does a father that was ruled unfit by a judge due to a juvenile charge have any visitation rights after the mother signed over her rights to her parents and they have not let father meet or see child?

That would vary from state to state, and court to court. You would need to contact your state child welfare department, and perhaps an attorney.

What is the father rights if the mother move to another state with your kid without getting divorce?

Married parents have equal parental rights. File an injunction to have the child returned to the state as soon as possible.

How do i termite father's rights to my kids?

in the state of Georgia can unwed father give up there rights

You were never married never been to court and have shared custody of your child. Can the mother of your child move to another state without your permission?

Yes. An unmarried mother has sole custody of her child until the father establishes his paternity legally and then petitions for custodial rights. Once the father has established his parental rights legally, the mother cannot move to another state without his consent and/or the court's permission since the move would mean the father's visitation rights would be affected.Yes. An unmarried mother has sole custody of her child until the father establishes his paternity legally and then petitions for custodial rights. Once the father has established his parental rights legally, the mother cannot move to another state without his consent and/or the court's permission since the move would mean the father's visitation rights would be affected.Yes. An unmarried mother has sole custody of her child until the father establishes his paternity legally and then petitions for custodial rights. Once the father has established his parental rights legally, the mother cannot move to another state without his consent and/or the court's permission since the move would mean the father's visitation rights would be affected.Yes. An unmarried mother has sole custody of her child until the father establishes his paternity legally and then petitions for custodial rights. Once the father has established his parental rights legally, the mother cannot move to another state without his consent and/or the court's permission since the move would mean the father's visitation rights would be affected.

If a child is in custody of the state and is out of state living with the grandmother does the father have a right to go and retreive the child?

No. You need to contact the state that has custody to determine your rights. If you go and get the child you may be guilty of custodial interference.

If you have a paternity test done on your child who's thought father lives in another state can he file for custody or visitation rights?


What rights does a father have in New York?

There is 'Father's Rights Association of New York State' in New York. It is there to protect fathers rights in New York.

Can a mother take child from Florida go to grandparent's house in another state without the father's permission?

It depends on the details of your situation, such as whether you are married, divorced or never married and whether the father has any custody rights or visitation rights.