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I am guessing your a guy so workout alot because once it becomes a habit you will have started getting so much testosterone that your body will naturally build muscle. That does not mean that you will wake up one day with a 6 pack but you never know.




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And eat milk and steak.

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Q: How can you get a physically bigger built body at the age of 14?
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Age of conception is the age when a girl is physically capable of becoming pregnant.

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The human can go into decline at any age. The factors that determine decline are nutrition, disease and body maintenance. If nutrition is not good, the body will go into decline (at any age). If a disease process is in effect, the body can go into decline (at any age). If the body is not given proper maintenance, the body will go into decline (at any age). It is common to see body decline with aging, but that effect takes place generally in the 40s. However, people in their 40s can actively improve nutrition, body maintenance and avoid disease process, thus minimizing body decline.

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Mentally or physically infirm with age.

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any age,if physically disabled.

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When does aerobic capacity decline?

As soon as you stop using it. The human body is an adaptive machine. If you are physically active, your body will adapt and improve it's ability to perform those physical activities. If you are physically inactive, you WILL regress and become less physically fit. True, there is age-related decline as you enter your senior years, but the biggest determinant of aerobic capacity (or any other marker of physical fitness) is how much or little you challenge your body to perform. Use it or lose it.

What do you mean by Conception age?

Conception age is the age in which you (a female) are physically able to have a child. This age is debatedly between 18-40.