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My cat run over, i loved it more than ever, first i was very upset, i felt as if my best friend had died, then after that i bought another kitten and i shared happiness with it and i still have it, basically the best thing to do is get a new kitten.

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Q: How can you get over the fact your cat has just been run over?
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Has your cat been diagnosed by a Veterinarian for this? Or do you just think your cat has this? You should take your cat in to be properly checked out by a Veterinarian and then he or she will tell you what to do as far as proper medications and diet for your cat.

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No and in fact, cats can carry a deadly parasitic disease called toxoplasmosis. It is found in both their urine and their feces. So, don't try to ingest it.

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Do cats like cat food?

That depends how long he or she's been eating cat food and the quality.Lets say that for some odd reason, you fed your cat salmon and chicken since it was a kitten, and for another odd reason, you gave your low quality cat food, it is probby not going to enjoy it to much.And some cats are just weird and just prefer some foods over others.My cat,Fredy,won't eat anything but cat food (not even human food or cat treats) and the stuff he catches himself.

What happened to your cat?

Please be specific in your question, this is a question that lacks of info.