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you can redeem them when you get friends to join too using a link at the bottom of the page

for each monthly sub they buy you get 1 horse buck and each year sub you get 8 horse bucks. so when you have 5 horse bucks you can get yourself a month sub.

so if you refer a friend and they buy subs you pretty much play for free x]

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Q: How can you get redeem bucks on Horseisle?
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What are HorseIsle Horse Bucks?

Horse Isle doesn't have horse bucks. The players there refer to the money as $. Or k, wich stands for thousands. Actually, after you click on your server it comes up with a page of things where you can buy subs or pawneer orders... under this it says: If you happen to have any: Reedem Horse Bucks.

What are horse bucks on HorseIsle?

When a horse bucks, it puts all of it's weight onto it's two front legs and kicks it's two back legs up in the air, therefore tiliting the body. Horses on horseisle will buck players off when they have under 25exp, but they gain 1exp for every time they do buck someone off, so just keep getting back on again. However, if you mean money, horseisle uses the monetary form of US dollars as it's currency scheme.

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yes there is, just go to the game crib gear then hit the 3 shuffles , quit, redeem ur zbucks and keep on doing that until u cash the amount of zbucks per day BTW THIS IS A NEW GUY SPEAKIN : Also you could Go to Campus dash Redeem all of your 1000 z-bucks,When your on your last once redeem it and then press f5

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There is no actual way to hack into HorseIsle.

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HORSEISLE ANSWER:SpiritEverPuppy-Brown Server

What state is horseisle in?

Horseisle is a computer game so it is international.

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On HorseIsle, there is no such thing as "shinning stats"

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How do you get to frigid meadows on HorseIsle?

Polar IslePrincessCheese, HorseIsle Palomino Server

What is the past tense of redeem?

The past tense of redeem is "redeemed."