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rub lots and lots of coco oil all me it helps! and drink alot of lemonade

b) Since cellulite is a layer of FAT under the dermis ( skin) rubbing ANYTHING on it will not change it. Be logical and look back to your basic HEALTH classes.

There are techniques using devices to pull the fat tissue apart creating less of a "grouping" and even out the "look" of the fat. It looks like a giant rolling pin as it is passed back and forth over the area being treated. This is not an invasive procedure. Celebrities like Kim Kardashian has used this at her plastic surgeons office.

Lemonade has NOTHING to do with weight loss or cellulite. And Cocoa Oil is not able to be absorbed molecularity to be effective in effecting anything with the dermis.

There is current research looking into the usage of caffeine as an agent to assist with the improvement and appearance of cellulite.

Yet the KEY to remember is CELLULITE is FAT. You want to effect FAT- how does that happen? usually by LOOSING IT.

To improve your skin's appearance EVERYWHERE it is recommended that you stay HYDRATED.

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Q: How can you get rid of cellulite without losing weight?
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Does losing weight get rid of cellulite?

yes it does !

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The best way to get rid of cellulite is to lose weight. Just exercise. Some people recommend using some type of cream but it really doesn't work.

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your viginity loser

How can you get rid of cellulite quickly?

There are some creams that might help reduce cellulite. Surgery is another option.

Will anorexia get rid of cellulite?

Yes, it is possible. Not all anorexics are underweight, and cellulite can appear on "thin" people. Cellulite is in realtion to the distribution of fat, not the amount of fat present, so it is possible for anorexics to have cellulite.

How can I get rid of ugly cellulite?

It's difficult to completely get rid of cellulite on the thighs or troubled areas. There is one product that I have used before that offers great results if used daily. It is called Nivea Goodbye Cellulite and usually costs about $10.00.

What's the best treatment to get rid of cellulite?

The best way to get rid of cellulite is by controlling your diet and exercising. There are other options available including liposuction but it's very expensive.

What are the best treatments for cellulites?

"Although there are lots of creams and gels on the market that say they will rid you of cellulite, the truth is the dimply fat is hereditary. Cellulite can only be removed by a plastic surgeon."

How can you firm your butt and get rid of the cellulite underneath?

Cellulite is just fat. It looks different because the skin is thin in that area, but if you'll get rid of the weight, you'll get rid of the cellulite. Diet and exercise are the only way, unless you want to go for the liposuction.