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i was caught cheating when the father of my children came across my phone bill. i want him to trust me again but i think its too late.

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Q: How can you get the father of your children back if you cheated on him but you want him to trust you again?
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How can you restore your trust again after your spouse cheated the second time?

don't trust because if its the second time the chance has gone and so is the trust

How do you get your boyfriend to trust you after you cheated on him?

All you can do is tell him that you are sincerely sorry, and will never do it again. The rest is up to him to decide if he can trust you again. Give him that right because he deserves it after what you did.

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well when my gf cheated on me she suduced me and gave me so much head... we havent had problems since

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This is just my opinion, but I dont think I would be able to trust again.

How do you prove you can be trusted again when you cheated on that person twice?

"just keep on saying your sorry and promise you'll nevber do it again" -previous answer ahahaha no. I'm guessing if you cheated on that person TWICE, and you want to date that person AGAIN, there's a reason why you cheated in the first place. If you cheated because it was too boring, then there's one reason (for example). If you just want that person to trust you again, then just don't share secrets. Make sure that if you guys hang out, you are there ON TIME, not LATE, or else that person will never trust you again.

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salp him/her in the face (unless they have some strength on you) and never trust em again

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No, unless you really believe you can make things right again...

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you will have to earn the trust back and it will always be harder for him because he wont know if you will do it again.

Will it ever be the same after you cheated on your girlfriend?

It might come close, but after you've cheated you've already lost something really important - her trust. Whether she admits it or not, she's not going to trust you as she did before. This is not to say things won't improve and become happy again, but if you've cheated, you've taken a permanent big step backwards.

Should an ex trust you again even though you have cheated?

It'll take them some time, but they should eventually. Depends on how strong your relationship is.

How do you date a guy who has been cheated on?

get him to trust you :)