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Q: How can you know the atomic weight of hydrogen is 1?
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What is the atom weight of hydrogen?

The atomic weight of hydrogen is 1,007 94 ± 0,000 07 atomic units of mass.

How many atoms are in 1 atomic mass unit of hydrogen?

Atomic mass unit is a unit of mass for all chemical elements, not only for hydrogen. The atomic weight of hydrogen is [1,00784; 1,00811]; the conventional atomic weight is 1,008. 1 atom is equal to 1 amu.

How do you know how to find the atomic number on the periodic table?

Its directly under the Symbol. Example: ___________ 1 <--- atomic number 1.008 <--- atomic weight Hydrogen <--- element name ____________

How do you compare the element hydrogen with the alkali metal sodium?

dont know what kind of a comparision you are looking for but simply: Hydrogen has an atomic weight of 1.008 and sodium has an atomic weight of 22.99. the symbols are H for hydrogen and Na for sodium

What is the dimension of atomic weight?

Atomic weight is a unit of measure whose unity value is that of the mass of a Hydrogen atom "1".

What does the ditloid 1 aw of h mean?

1 Atomic Weight of Hydrogen

What is the atomic mass of a Hydrogen and oxygen atom?

If the atomic mass of water is 18 and the atomic mass of hydrogen is 1 then the atomic mass of oxygen is 16

What are the isotopes of hydrogen atom?

Normal hydrogen (atomic weight 1), deuterium (2), and tritium (3).

Which element's atomic number is the same as it's atomic weight?

Hydrogen, because it has one proton and no neutrons, thus has an atomic mass of 1, and is element 1.

What does the a n of h is 1 stand for?

The atomic number of hydrogen is 1

What is the atomic number of hydrgen?

Hydrogen(H) is the smallest atom that we know of. Its atomic number is 1.

How was atomic mass first calculated?

The atomic mass is determined by accurate mass spectrometry. If you think to atomic weight, 200 years ago, this parameter was related to hydrogen with a given atomic weight of 1.