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That's the wrong question. The question is, What is best for your children. Do you stay in that abusive relationship -or- Is it better to take myself and my children out of this situation. I suggest you seek out help. Perhaps one of your local Churches or Women's shelters. There is no shame in seeking help. My mother left my father. We were 4 children, ages 5-11. It wasn't an affluent lifestyle, but we had a roof over our heads, enough food for meals, and clothes from thrift shops. We all did graduate from highschool. We were always on public assistance, and mom was disabled, but time passed and we all grew up together. You'll need to choose to live simply and to be able to access help when you need it (Mom was good at finding avenues for camp, band and so on). Check your community for paid job training, if you have been out of work. Even though I have had a fairly secure lifestyle with regular pay, it is not something anyone and everyone can ensure with 100% assurance. Life is messy. Things happen. So, take care of the small, day to day stuff (keeping yourself and kids safe) and the rest will take care of itself. God will provide.

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Q: How can you leave if you are an emotionally and verbally abused mother of four and very concerned about financial security for you and your children?
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