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You still make the claim the same as anytime, call your company or agent. Will there be coverage? Not sure, do you have a sr22 filing? Are other people or property involved? File the claim, by calling either one.

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Q: How can you make a claim if you crashed your car with a restricted license outside your legal driving hours?
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If you were driving outside the provisions, as in driving at night when you're not supposed to, you could face additional fines and.or penalties and possibly get your license revoked. If not, you will still get the regular fine as prescribed by law for speeding in your state.

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If you have a European Union photo driving license the answer is no. If you are from outside the European Union, an International driving license is necessary.

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If you're caught, depending on what the restriction is, you could be fined, and even have your licence suspended.

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If your license is valid, yes. The general rule is that if you have a valid license from any state, you are allowed to drive in any other. You will still be subject to any restrictions on your license, and also to the traffic laws of the state in which you are driving, though.

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Yes but only a photocard. You can travel to any EU country by just using your photocard driving license. Outside of Europe passport is needed as well as visas for some countries. Generally if a countries citizens have to get a visa to come to your country then you need a visa to visit theirs.

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Yes, immediately upon conviction the court notifies the Motor Vehicle Commission that your license is suspended and directs you to go right to the court clerk and surrender your license. If you don't have it, you will be permitted a short period of time to go home, get it and surrender it. If you are caught driving outside that period of time you will be charged with driving on the revoked list.

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What is code 12814.6b vs 12814.6a?

A) The driver has violated the curfew of a provisional license (driving outside the hours of 5 AM - 11 PM). B) The driver with a provisional license was transporting passengers under the age of 20, without a passenger over the age of 25 present.

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