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Have the person who is going to dress up as rock in a trash bag. Stuff the trash bag with newspaper and spray paint it gray. Get a sandwich board for the person with paper and make it look like a Piece of paper. and scissors just cut out a large pair of scissors and tape or Velcro or even glue them to your shirt.

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14y ago

Cardboard, lots of. With Duct Tape, lots of it.

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Q: How can you make a rock paper scissors costume for 3 people?
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you go to maro, he sells clothes and stuff and ask for a sheet. he will gove it to you. with the scissors make a costume! poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

How do you make a Star Trek Voyager costume?

Use a scissors, cloth an some deco

What are the rules of rock paper scissors?

The basic rules of rock paper scissors state that paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper. If both players make the same choice, then it is a tie. Games are played to a predetermined score (or until the players get bored).

How scissors make job easier?

Instead of tearing a paper, you can use scissors in order for you to cut the paper the style you want but more orderly.:) If you are in a hurry, you can use scissors to cut things.:)

How does scissors make jobs easier?

Instead of tearing a paper, you can use scissors in order for you to cut the paper the style you want but more orderly.:) If you are in a hurry, you can use scissors to cut things.:)

How do you cheat in rock paper scissors?

In the game, rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock (a rock breaks the scissors, the scissors cut the paper, and the paper covers the rock). An easy way to win is say "Rock, Paper, CHUCK NORRIS. I win" :)

How do you make a sentence bat?

glue, scissors, paper and felt tipsss

What are the answers for natural selection paper scissors rock?

I am not quite sure what you are talking about, but here is some info for paper scissors rock: Paper beats rock, rock beats scissor and scissor beats paper. If you are scissors and you win, you snap your fingers in the opponents "paper" If you are the paper and you win, you cover your hand over the opponents "rock" If you are the rock and you win, you bang your hands on the opponents "scissors" If you want to be paper, put your hand out. If you want to be rock, make a fist. And if you want to be scissors, hold out your pointer finger and your middle finger. Also, for your next game of paper scissors rock, if you are paper there is a very likely chance you will win. Hope this helps!

How does a pair of scissors make work easier?

when you use it you can cut paper straight

What materials can be used to make a Cinderella dress up costume?

To make a Cinderella dress up costume, you can use an old sweater that is blue. You also need to use scissors, since there will be a lot of cutting involved.

How do you make a giant sock costume?

One can make a giant head costume by gathering some newspaper, scissors, glue, flour, and water. Roll the newspaper into skinny rolls and tape them together to make the shape of the head. Then take the flour and water and mix into a paste for paper mache and stick the newspaper over the frame, and allow to dry. Then you can decorate the head to look like a face.

How can you make a spider web with paper?

yes, there are these things invented by mankind called scissors