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Ten measurable long term effects of unchecked global warming are (according to the 2009 report from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration):

  • sea levels rising. In April 2011 the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, based in Norway found that the Greenland ice sheet is melting four times faster than it was ten years ago. Their report stated: "The past six years have been the warmest period ever recorded in the Arctic. In the future, global sea level is projected to rise by .9 to 1.6 meters by 2100." This will flood many low lying countries and coastal plains.
  • air temperature over land rising
  • sea-surface temperature rising
  • air temperature over oceans rising
  • ocean heat rising
  • humidity rising
  • tropospheric temperature rising in the "active-weather" layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth's surface.
  • Arctic sea ice declining
  • glaciers declining
  • spring snow cover in the Northern hemisphere declining

Extreme weather events, droughts and storms are unavoidable, but a warmer climate will mean they will be more common and more extreme. A rise of a few degrees in temperature will mean that regular crops will no longer grow. Present dry countries may become deserts. Rivers that are now fed by melting glaciers may dry up completely, destroying the lifeblood of many poor countries. Millions of people will face famine and drought and there may be mass migrations of people in search of food, water and sustainable living.

There is really nothing we can do to manage these long term events. We can only take steps to try and slow global warming by really cutting the amount of greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere.

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