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Use a measuring cup with a 1-cup marking. 8 ounces = 1 cup.

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Q: How can you measure 8 dry onces with a measuring cup?
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Related questions

What is a dry measuring cups used for?

A dry measuring cup is used to measure dry and solid ingredients.

How do you measure 1 cup of white sugar?

With a dry goods measuring cup.

Measuring cup is used to measure?

you use a measuring cup to measure stuff. mostly cooking. Answer: you can use a dry measuring cup, or a liquid measuring cup. you use liquids such as water or veggie oil. for dry measuring cups, you put in dry stuff, such as baking flour or sugar. all you have to do is put the substance in and read the number. talk about easy and simple to use!!!

What measurement do you use to measure white rice?

Use dry measure measuring cup.

How do you measure flour for cake making?

you get a dry measuring cup, scoop and then get a straight level surface like a knife and swip the top off the dry measuring cup

What measuring cup would you use to measure milk Dry or Liquid Cup?

A cup like the one in this pic, which is universal.

Why is it difficult to measure dry ingredients in a liquid measuring cup?

Dry measure tends to be SLIGHTLY more than liquid measure, which in most recipes won't change things. But, if the recipe has to be increased to feed more people, then what started out as 1/8th cup can end up being 1/4 or 1/2, depending on the amounts used. You can prove this to yourself by filling both a liquid measuring cup (use a 2 cup measure) with exactly 1 cup of water. Then fill to the brim 1 cup dry measure and carefully pour the dry measure cup into the 2 cup measuring cup, get eye level and you will see the difference.

What is the difference between a dry cup and a liquid cup?

a dry cup is used to measure dry ingredients like sugar or flour and a liquid measuring cup measures liquids like water or milk.

How do you measure dry?

Video: How do you measure dry ingredients?Measuring Dry IngredientsThe basics of measuring dry ingredients is the same for all, whether it's flour, sugar, salt, or another dry ingredient. To measure dry ingredients, select the appropriate measuring cup or spoon. Place the dry ingredient in the measuring device so that it fills and overflows the device. Use a utensil with a straight edge (an icing spreader works well) to scrape off the excess.Special circumstances:Flour - When measuring flour, spoon it into the measuring device and do not tap it down.Brown sugar - Pack it firmly into the measuring device.

Is cup a measure of weight?

This depends on what you are measuring. There is "Dry Cup"(a cup of a solid material) and "Liquid cup" (cup of a fluid or liquid). However, a cup (dry or liquid) is classified as a measurement of volume. 1 cup = 250 milliliters or 8.80 liquid ounces

Why is a dry measuring cup used for dry items?

with dry ingredient like sugar and flour. You lightly spoon the flour or sugar into the measure then run a straight edge over the top to level it

How do you measure 2 cups of flour?

To measure ingredients using a dry measuring cup, first of all be sure that the ingredients you are measuring are indeed dry, such as flour, sugar, nuts, dried fruits, etc. Do not measure liquids such as water, eggs, or milk with a dry measuring cup, as they do measure slightly different than dry ingredients. Dry measuring cups usually have flat tops where you can level off an ingredient and wet/liquid measuring cups usually have a notched spout where ingredients may be poured out. The technical way to measure dry goods is to scoop the ingredient into the cup and use the flat side of a butter knife to level it off. Try not to shake the ingredient too much in the cup and try not to tap it, as these actions compact it and could throw off your measurement for your recipe. Compacted flour for example, could have an extra Tablespoon or so in it. One of the few exceptions to this rule is brown sugar. If a recipe calls for "packed brown sugar," press it with your fingers into the cup and level any excess off with the back of a butter knife.